the journey of a purple phoenix

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Interesting December

This December is certainly a month full of surprises and interesting moments. I am still trying to absorb everything with the tons of work that I have to finish in the office. I was suffering from writer's block awhile ago when I was exerting all the effort to produce a really nice business proposal. I think it's the holidays that's made my head over worked.

I'm still not done with Christmas shopping. Tried so many times to concentrate on it but I just realized that doing it after work is a bad idea. The malls are swamped with late Christmas shoppers and since I get cranky after a day's work, I just get irritated with the idea of fighting my way through the crowd and standing in loooooong lines to the cashier. I just end up going home empty handed.

I was able to shop last Sunday, but one day wasn't enough. I wasn't able to shop the day before because we finished making tons of orders of my special choco mallows. We were able to finish 70 batches in one day! That makes 700 pieces of choco mallows. :)

Finally, I was able to perm my hair! It was one of the daring things that I've done in my life! I like how it turned out and people are still not used to it, hehehe... My friends say I look like Ruthie of Seventh Heaven. :p Can't post a picture yet because there's something wrong with my phone. ;(

Went to the much awaited Mitsubishi event last Monday. I sang one song with the band again. Didn't win anything big this year though. But, I was still happy to have sang for them. I do it for the love of Mitsubishi! hehehe! It's also a flattering moment because one of the singers approached me and asked me if I was a pro and if I had a manager. I told her that I sing with a rock band and we don't have a manager yet. She told me that I should try singing with an accoustic band that plays more mellow music. I sang Constantly by Vanessa Williams that night, by the way. She also told me that she wished we could've met sooner because Passage was looking for a replacement for a female vocalist. I was surprised with her remark because Passage is a known band already and it's a really big step if I will audition. She got my number so she could refer me to a manager. Nana was encouraging me to go ahead and give my number. All I can say is, "Woah!" That was a really flattering offer! :)


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