So, I was checking my e-mail just a few minutes ago. I came across one of my aunt's e-mails. Usually, I don't take time to read her forwarded e-mails but this one caught my curiosity. It was about raising your "happiness quotient". At the end of the article she forwarded there's a tip that I would like to share to my blog readers:
"Try pausing to focus on those things that you> appreciate at the end of a visit, the end of a> meeting, or the end of a day - at work or at home.> Identify three things you are grateful for each time> you ask that question, and watch your happiness> meter rise."
Come to think of it, this IS an effective way to relieve yourself from stress at the end of the day. I've been trying this out whenever I walk my way to the shuttle station on my way home. I have a job wherein performance is measured by the amount of money you bring in. And, I have to admit, it's hard to sell. I'm beginning to see the big picture about the Philippine economy because of this. The product that I'm selling has, no doubt, a lot of promise and people who have seen it recognize it. No. 1 problemo? "no tengo dinero" (no more money). Thus, it brings me back to what I've learned about global capitalism. Yada-yada-yada... I'm not gonna go into details about it's effects...I know you guys will just snore!
So, anyway, back to what I was saying about the happiness quotient. :) At the end of the day, I would feel bad when I think that I didn't do enough to close a sale. I begin to think the shoulda-woulda-coulda way, then feel exhausted by the negativity that pulls down my spirit. Then, I tried to stop myself for a while and analyze what I was doing to myself and what it was doing to my well-being. Maybe one of my bestfriends was right. I was being too hard on myself. I just didn't wanna give myself a break just to realize that. So, I tried to think of my everyday life in a positive angle. I thought of the reasons that keeps me waking up in the morning and go through each day at work and the things in my life that makes me smile. Then, all of a sudden, the other pressing problems seemed insignificant. :)
"Try pausing to focus on those things that you> appreciate at the end of a visit, the end of a> meeting, or the end of a day - at work or at home.> Identify three things you are grateful for each time> you ask that question, and watch your happiness> meter rise."
Come to think of it, this IS an effective way to relieve yourself from stress at the end of the day. I've been trying this out whenever I walk my way to the shuttle station on my way home. I have a job wherein performance is measured by the amount of money you bring in. And, I have to admit, it's hard to sell. I'm beginning to see the big picture about the Philippine economy because of this. The product that I'm selling has, no doubt, a lot of promise and people who have seen it recognize it. No. 1 problemo? "no tengo dinero" (no more money). Thus, it brings me back to what I've learned about global capitalism. Yada-yada-yada... I'm not gonna go into details about it's effects...I know you guys will just snore!
So, anyway, back to what I was saying about the happiness quotient. :) At the end of the day, I would feel bad when I think that I didn't do enough to close a sale. I begin to think the shoulda-woulda-coulda way, then feel exhausted by the negativity that pulls down my spirit. Then, I tried to stop myself for a while and analyze what I was doing to myself and what it was doing to my well-being. Maybe one of my bestfriends was right. I was being too hard on myself. I just didn't wanna give myself a break just to realize that. So, I tried to think of my everyday life in a positive angle. I thought of the reasons that keeps me waking up in the morning and go through each day at work and the things in my life that makes me smile. Then, all of a sudden, the other pressing problems seemed insignificant. :)
Bravo! I commend you in discovering one of the techniques of "looking at the bright side." =)
Sometimes, it's very easy to fall in to the trap of depression. With all the challenges we face in a day, it's easy to see why there are a lot of unhappy people in this world. But, as I always believe, when the Lord closes a door, he always leave a window open... Ok, ok... That's from The Sound of Music. =) But I do believe in that.
Since there is always a window open, we just have to look for it. No matter how bad things get, you can always count on that window.
Dr. Clunky
Anonymous, at 8:42 AM
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