the journey of a purple phoenix

Friday, December 24, 2004

A Solemn Christmas

After Christmas dinner and opening of gifts, I sat alone in my room reflecting once again about the things that has happened lately in my life. All the bumpy roads I've stumbled upon has made me look at life into a whole new perspective. And, I know that it has drastically changed my life forever. There are alot of emotions going on inside my chest that I couldn't express. I was telling my friend that I find it hard to express my inner thoughts to people because I' sure they wouldn't understand my way of thinking. I've tried so many times but I couldn't find the words wherein they could understand or even take interest in what I'm trying to say. I think it goes the same thing with my feelings. A close friend called me during my quiet moment and told me not to think too much and enjoy the Christmas night. I just smiled at his comment. He's got a point there though.

Eventhough I've been bruised by the down side of life, I take it as a learning experience. A blessing that would make me strong as I go on in life. It also makes the smallest blessings shine brighter and more precious. These small blessings are what makes me smile despite hard times.

I am thankful that Christmas Eve went alright at our house. Eventhough we didn't have much this year, we were still able to give each other gifts. And eventhough how small they are, they were appreciated. I am once again reminded on how good it is to have a simple life. It is far from living the luxurious life because you get to appreciate the more important things in life that you should value. It's not receiving the most expensive or the most number of gifts. It's the spirit of giving and appreciating the blessings around you.

Merry Christmas everyone : )


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