the journey of a purple phoenix

Friday, March 23, 2007


What if I had Alzheimer's disease?

Before and if these memory lapses lead to that. I would write down all the fond memories I have had with my friends and family and what my dreams are. I would leave off the bitter memories that should be forgotten but remind me of the ones that could protect me later. I would write it all down in my diary and leave an instruction to my mom or younger brother to bring me my diary books when I get lost in my illness. And, I would also have to write the letter to someone really special and pour out my heart about the 10 years of my silence.

I have been having a lot of memory lapses lately. It's more like I'm having little amnesias from time to time. I already consulted my godfather who's a doctor and referred my case to a neurologist. I'm taking medications now. But, of course, with the mess it caused, I don't know how long before I can get back my self confidence. It has affected my work and my personal relationships with people I deal with at work.

My Mom told me that the cause might be stress. She told me that I have been thinking too much about my problems at work and at home. Even when I am sick, I still work at home which causes my mind to be more stressed because I am not able to rest my whole self fully. My godfather has told me to take a leave and detach myself from work for a while. My problem is that I can't be taking a rest when the kind of my job that I have has high demands and I have to work to be able to feed my family. But, it has been a while since I've felt like leaving the job that I have right now. I really don't wanna do sales all my life. If only I have the freedom to do whatever I want in my life, I would only do one thing - sing.

Right now, I feel like I'm going to break down in this little cage I'm in. I've been trying to convince myself that I can still live like this and that I'm just being swayed by my emotions. But, I just can't take it anymore.


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