
I went to the launch event of the Treo 680 last Tuesday. I was about to change my plans and just stay in the office to finish things ahead of time. But since I have done pretty much most of what needs to be done before lunch time, I still had enough time to travel to go to the event.
I was fashionably late. Just in time when they have served food on the table. It was held in one of my favorite restaurants in Greenbelt 3, The People's Palace. As usual, of all the events that I attended in that restaurant, I was the only one who enjoyed the Pomelo Salad. Ha. I can eat a bowlful of that! Joey has been telling me how good the other foods are. All of them were good!
When the program started, they announced that 1 unit of Treo 680 will be raffled out at the last part of the program. I heard excited snickers from JC, Chuck, and Joey. (oi...wait...that sounded like Tito,Vick,and Joey...hihihihihihihihihiii...) The PDA phone's pretty cool. You can store Word and Xcel files in it as well as music and videos. What's cute about it also is how small it is and it has smileys in the text menu (or whatever you call that sub-menu). It also comes with cool colors such as Arctic, Coppper, Graphite, and Crimson. It has VGA camera, that's one thing that's not so good about it. With the latest PDA phones nowadays, they already have at least 2 megapixel cameras. It's just weird that they didn't upgrade it also with a 2 megapixel camera. Oh, well. At least you can do other things with it and it's a perfect phone for work. Price: Php 28,900. Hmmm...Not bad for a top executive's budget for starters in the Palm scene.
At last, the moment everyone's been waiting for - the raffle. Everyone held their breaths as the Singaporean representative of Palm flipped and fished for a business card in the fish bowl. I had a strong feeling that my card will be picked. I brushed the premonition aside. There were a lot of people, there's a slim chance that I would be picked. Then a card was picked out. The back was red...and I could see the logos of C!, F1, Evo... I held my breath...
"And the lucky winner of the Treo 680 is....Isabel Cortes of C!Magazine!"
I let out a small squeel of delight! "Oh,my God!" was all I could say, wide-eyed and still in disbelief. I wasn't surprised that I won. I was surprised that another one of my premonitions was right. This is the weirdest so far.
It's also a blessing that I won a phone. (Actually, this is the second time this year that I won a phone. Early this year, it was the MotoSLVR.) I have been planning on buying a new phone because I need a phone that has larger memory, longer battery life, and a better camera. I have been targetting into getting a Nokia 6233 this December but, I realized that with the expenses that I have to face this Christmas, it didn't seem promising that I will be able to afford to buy for the time being. Then this event came along. I was so lucky that day. :D
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