the journey of a purple phoenix

Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Law of Density

He's not really in love with me...I was...I think I have just hit the wall...

My aunt asked me about him one day. What he's like,

It's time for me to wake up to the bitter reality that all we have is this platonic friendship. Nothing more. Nothing less. Just friends. I made a bet with myself this morning that if nothing happens when we see each other, then I would have to open my heart to someone else. The love grew in me but it never did with him. It was a dense atmosphere while we were in his car. I couldn't feel anything anymore even when he held my hand. Was it waking up too early in the morning that is making me feel this way? Or was I dense too, I don't know... That was the first time I wanted to get out of his car sooner....


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