the journey of a purple phoenix

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The Shallow Match Maker

So, I have let go - again - of the only one person that really mean something to me in terms of a rare and special connection. Moving on, I'm on a look out again for possible prospects. Some people know this and what I really don't like is when someone tries to insist someone on me. I appreciate the help of looking for other guys for me, but, puhleeeeeazzzz, don't insist someone who I wouldn't and will never date! And especially when that person would keep the poor guy's heart in false hopes. And, puhleeazzz!!!! Don't blame me if your match making didn't work out. Because, in the first place, I didn't do anything and we didn't interact in anyway.

I don't like it when people would insist a guy on me and say that this guy has a car, or belongs to a rich family, or even say that we would look good together because we're both chubby. What the hell?! What's up with that?! First of all, so what if a guy has a car or has everything that his wealth can buy? Sorry, but that is not what I'm looking for in a guy. That doesn't measure up to how great a guy he is. And, so what if we're both of the same physique? Honey, can you be more shallow? Do you think that only fat people are attracted to each other? Think again, my friend. Think again. I had my first boyfriend when I was still over weight. I was around 135lbs. and he was around 110lbs. and he was attracted to how I am. Now that I am 20lbs. lighter, I still haven't had a steady boyfriend after my last relationship. My point is, you cannot base attraction by physical similarities. It has to be more than that.


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