Lost In a Tunnel
It's been a while since I posted an entry here. A lot has happened for the past few weeks. My younger brother has been hospitalized because of a twisted intestine (to put it simply). It was an after effect of his apendectomy some 9 years ago. I know...I know... It took some time before it took some side effect to occur. I postponed my gym sessions for two weeks because I had to give my body some rest and a time to adjust from stressful nights at the hospital. From the night we rushed my brother to the hospital and during my stay at the hospital watching over my brother, I felt like I was also sick. I felt like I was gonna have a nervous breakdown. I remember the nausea and the mixed emotions I was having inside my chest. Fear, worry, and confusion. Not only does the crappy hospital food make you sick, it's the environment of the hospital. Thank God for Tita Sally, our neighbor. Just when I was about to cry over a tasteless "lugaw" she sent her driver to bring me a freshly home-baked lasagna at the hospital. :) Woohoo! REAL FOOD!!!
I felt so alone during the nightly watch. The nurses weren't so accommodating and they're so slow in response. Only a few nurses were really professional enough to do their duties properly. On the fourth day, I felt like I was gonna go insane. Everytime my brother would feel some pains and discomfort, I get nervous and worried. Especially when I can see that he is losing a lot of weight. By the end of the day, he quieted down a little and tried to sleep. But, of course, eventhough he was asleep, I couldn't take my eyes off him to watch his breathing. I prayed silently for company. We only told few of his friends that he was hospitalized. Most of the people who visited were common friends and my friends (Nana and Veron). As if God answered my prayers, two of my friends (Ed and Spammy) contacted me to see how I was and how my brother's operation went.
During the company outing, I just skipped the drinking session that night and just stayed at our room to sleep. I didn't care anymore if I missed out on the booze. All I can say about the outing was that the trip was like being in a horror movie. It was raining cats, dogs, elephants, and dinosaurs. I wished I had stuck to my guns early that morning to stay behind so I could watch over my brother at the hospital and just let all hell lose with what happens with the accounting of the company outing budget (I know...you're probably scratching your heads right now...it's a long strory..). The rain was pouring non-stop by the time we drove to the pitch dark road leading to Caylabne. All that the lights could shine on was the tall weeds on either side of the road. We forgot that behind those weeds was already road to watery hell (BANGIN NA SIYA, MEHN!). I was praying that this is not yet my end! (Lord, gusto ko po pa magka-asawa!) It's a good thing that our conyo boys at C! Magazine knows how to drive well. ;) We were able to arrive safely to Caylabne and had a safe drive home.
With all that has happened, you can see how God can be with you in the simplest ways. I am thankful for everyone who gave comfort, held out a hand to help (even in the smallest ways), and those who were just simply there as a friend. They were officemates, neighbors, family, and friends. They were little miracles sent to us. :) Thanks,guys! :) Lorenzo wouldn't be recovering right now if it weren't for your prayers and kindness! :D
I felt so alone during the nightly watch. The nurses weren't so accommodating and they're so slow in response. Only a few nurses were really professional enough to do their duties properly. On the fourth day, I felt like I was gonna go insane. Everytime my brother would feel some pains and discomfort, I get nervous and worried. Especially when I can see that he is losing a lot of weight. By the end of the day, he quieted down a little and tried to sleep. But, of course, eventhough he was asleep, I couldn't take my eyes off him to watch his breathing. I prayed silently for company. We only told few of his friends that he was hospitalized. Most of the people who visited were common friends and my friends (Nana and Veron). As if God answered my prayers, two of my friends (Ed and Spammy) contacted me to see how I was and how my brother's operation went.
During the company outing, I just skipped the drinking session that night and just stayed at our room to sleep. I didn't care anymore if I missed out on the booze. All I can say about the outing was that the trip was like being in a horror movie. It was raining cats, dogs, elephants, and dinosaurs. I wished I had stuck to my guns early that morning to stay behind so I could watch over my brother at the hospital and just let all hell lose with what happens with the accounting of the company outing budget (I know...you're probably scratching your heads right now...it's a long strory..). The rain was pouring non-stop by the time we drove to the pitch dark road leading to Caylabne. All that the lights could shine on was the tall weeds on either side of the road. We forgot that behind those weeds was already road to watery hell (BANGIN NA SIYA, MEHN!). I was praying that this is not yet my end! (Lord, gusto ko po pa magka-asawa!) It's a good thing that our conyo boys at C! Magazine knows how to drive well. ;) We were able to arrive safely to Caylabne and had a safe drive home.
With all that has happened, you can see how God can be with you in the simplest ways. I am thankful for everyone who gave comfort, held out a hand to help (even in the smallest ways), and those who were just simply there as a friend. They were officemates, neighbors, family, and friends. They were little miracles sent to us. :) Thanks,guys! :) Lorenzo wouldn't be recovering right now if it weren't for your prayers and kindness! :D
hope ur brother's doing ok now.. i knw how u feel, i have a lil broh too he juz turned 7 today actually, and well he's so accident prone! gosh i swear i lost count on how many times he'd been in and out of the hospital. but wear a braver heart sistah! that's why we here.. to look after them kip them safe as always! =D \m/
Cee, at 10:21 PM
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