the journey of a purple phoenix

Saturday, December 04, 2004

My Weekend

Last night, I brought along some of my band mates to a hip-hop event at Greenbelt. My friends who are probably reading this right now would begin to react,"She did WHAT?! What was she thinking?!" For those of you who do not know, I sing for an alternative rock band that I put up with some friends. And to answer the question why I brought them there, well, I thought that it would be interesting. And, I had to show up because the one hosting the event is my client.

So I put on my "events get up". I don't call it gimmick clothes anymore because even if I consider going to client events as "gimmicks" I still feel like I'm working. Most of the events that I go to are held after office hours. That explains why I come home late at night every week. While walking around Greenbelt, my friend teased me and told me that a guy just followed his gaze at me. I was like, "pfwwshht..errr! yeah,right! whatever!" After introducing them to my client, my friends went off for a while to buy cigarette. I stayed behind because I don't smoke. After talking to my client, he had to leave me for a while because he had to attend to something for the event. So I stood alone near the entrance of the bar with other hip-hoppers waiting to get in. In the first few minutes, I was still cool being left alone waiting for my friends to come back. I observed the people around me. There were some group of guys at one corner all wearing blue whom we later nicknamed "brotherhood". One of them was looking at me in this strange way. I just caught another one of them take a look at me in the same manner. I looked away to another direction. There's another group in another spot where one of them was giving me that same strange look. I looked around for my client in hopes that I could just tag along with him so no one would look at me weird. I was near to getting frantic when I couldn't find him so I started calling my friends on their cellphones. It took 3 to 4 missed calls before they could answer. When one of them finally answered, they were in 7-Eleven which was a 15-minute walk from the bar. I was like, HUWAAAAT?! That seems to be a bit far and it would mean that I would have to wait for 15-minutes or more before they could come back! I decided to go to Seattle's Best at Greenbelt 3 to buy something to drink and to kill time while they're not there yet. To be honest, I'm not used to that kind of crowd and getting strange stares when I'm alone.

In fairness, my friends found the whole experience interesting. One of them is probably gonna write something about it in his own Blogspot. (Hey! Be careful of what you say! Aight!?)

I went to our Christmas Bazaar awhile ago. Nothing much to see. There were some items that are interesting to buy but couldn't afford to buy any. Oh,well...


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