Taxi Ride From Hell
Yesterday, I rode a taxi going back to Makati from a client meeting. Things were fine at first, then things just started to get...ugh... The smell of the taxi was starting to annoy me and the way that the man behind the wheels drove the taxi was not at all pleasant for a passenger with motion sickness like me. He just loooves to step on the clutch and the breaks like squishing something underneath! He reminds me of my mom during her first months of driving. I didn't like riding the car when she's the one driving. It always gives me a bad stomach and a dizzy spell for the whole day. I just closed my eyes to calm my senses. But I was getting really nauseus. I keep on telling myself to control it. When I finally arrived at our office building, one of our editors saw me walk helplessly to the door. I was obviously not feeling well and I was ready to puke. He asked me what was wrong and I couldn't open my mouth well in fear that I might throw up in front of him. I managed to say "vomit" clearly to him and he got the idea. Another obstacle that I had to go through was the elevator. That makes me dizzy too. I didn't care about the people I was with inside the elevator. I just leaned against the wall and just closed my eyes again. When I arrived at the 21st floor, I thought I could stop myself from the nauseus feeling. As I stepped on my floor, I knew I had to run to the comfort room and let it out. Damn! I hate the feeling you get when you're puking! AAAAAUUUGHHH!!!
I haven't closed an account for January and I'm feeling uneasy about it because as much as I would want to meet with my clients, everyone seems to be busy all the time. I couldn't get hold of them! It's sooo frustrating! But I couldn't blame them at the same time because their all preparing for the Christmas vacation. Oh,well...
I haven't closed an account for January and I'm feeling uneasy about it because as much as I would want to meet with my clients, everyone seems to be busy all the time. I couldn't get hold of them! It's sooo frustrating! But I couldn't blame them at the same time because their all preparing for the Christmas vacation. Oh,well...
I remember that day! I felt so bad for you... Even I get motion sickness when I ride with bad drivers at the wheel. Me, who's used to the high G-forces experienced in race cars and bikes!
Taxi rides in this country, or any other for that matter, can be really hellish. I don't ride taxis often but so far, it's been 50-50 for me. I never really know how bad it can be until I'm already in one.
Dr. Clunky
Anonymous, at 9:49 AM
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